

I am here to share with you things I believe, find, create, things that are dear to me.. in hopes that it brings about happiness. We live in such a magical place but you create your magic with the spells and information you absorb, shaping the Life you dream of. You are your thoughts and your thoughts define you, so wouldn’t it make sense to broaden your thoughts, conceptions, and means of enlightenment?

If you can not find the time to open a book, search for an audio. If you are bored, watch a documentary. The mind needs to maintain sharp and with all the technology available to us, there are infinite possibilities. Have fun with what you do and it won’t feel like it’s something you have to do.

For my English assignment, I made a spoof off of the song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.. I think it’s quite cute and you may enjoy it. I turned it into an image so you can save, share, printoutandstickinyourbathroom, do whatever you like with it!

The audience I selected for this assignment were adolescents in modern America, year 2013.
